To be active in a society where globalization is rapidly progressing, it is important "to not fear change."
To know oneself well, to recognize where improvement can be made, and then to make those changes of one's own accord—that is what growth is.
Through Japanese language education that fosters practical knowledge, independent thought, and teamworking skills, we make it possible for each individual to grow and "realize a happy future."
Three Features of TLS

TLS 5 Programs
We offer 5 Programs: Vocational School, University, Graduate School, Art School, and Job Hunting. Through our educational know-how that has come from years of experience, we support each student in achieving their goals.
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JCT Education System & Japanese Language
We incorporate the "principle of growth" into Japanese language learning so that students achieve enhanced proficiency.
We integrate the so-called 4 basic skills—Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing—in order to teach useful, practical Japanese.

Supporting Student Life
In order to realize their dreams, students need a safe, secure living environment.
We provide support for students who are living on their own in Tokyo for the first time.