
How do you do apply to Graduate School of Art and Design?



自分の国で作った作品だけではだめです 日本に来てからの新作も

2.研究計画書:Research plan

何を? 目的は? どうやって? そして 先行研究をしっかりと である体を使って

3.情報収集:Gathering information

大学の入学資格 日本語のレベル 試験の内容 専攻と教授の名前 などなど



There are three important points in order to enter art graduate school;
1. Portfolio
It is not enough that you bring your own country, it is important to create the new art work in Japan.
2. Research plan
It is important to mention very clear “what” and “how” in the report.
3. Gathering information
What are the qualifications for enter the school?
How Japanese skill should I have? How will they judge candidates? What are the name of major and professor?
It helps your aim comes true by thinking at least 50% of them in your country before coming to Japan.

2019年11月8日 教務部 稲垣 奈津実