
Graduation Ceremony!

3月22日 TLSの認定式 えっ? 卒業式ではない・・・





地域の日本人の方 学校や企業の方 今まで一緒に勉強した友達 そして大切な家族 

たっくさんの人が 大きな大きな拍手で認めてくれました

皆勤賞 精勤賞 フェローシップ賞 地域貢献賞 スピーチコンテスト優秀賞・・・


拍手と笑顔がいっぱいで たくさんの学生が新しい道に進んでいきました!!

TLS held “Certificate Ceremony” on March 22nd.
We don’t call it graduation ceremony because all students are worth to be approved what they’ve done each day they spent here.
A lot of people such as Japanese from the community, teachers and officers from school and companies, friends who studied together, and
families celebrated their works.
Perfect attendance award, regular attendance award, fellowship award, contribution for the community award, speech contest award were presented to students.
Hand-claps gave students power to go forward.
Many of them left TLS and started new adventure with smiles.

2019年3月29日 教務部 稲垣 奈津実