
Best friends♪


これ 日本ではとっても有名な曲なんです


そこで 先輩にインタビュー!! 新入生の質問に答えてもらいました~~

「授業で話すチャンスがたっくさん だいじょーーーーぶ!!」

「運動会にTDR研修 イベントで 新しい友達をGETできるよ♪」

「教科書にない日本語を勉強するから 今では日本人の友達もいまーす!」


「100人で食べたいな 富士山の上でおにぎりを!」

TLSならこれも夢じゃないかも!? 運動会 イベントは下をクリック!     


“Can I make 100 friends?”
This is the lyrics of very famous song in Japan.
It is the most exciting/nervous theme in the new life that “Can I make friends?”
So TLS interviewed “Senpai”, and asked them the question from new students!
“No worries! There are lots of opportunities to talk in classes!”
“Since we will have school events such as sports festival and trip to Tokyo Disney Resort, you will get to know new friends!”
“We are studying Japanese not only using text books, but also outside of class, now I have Japanese friends!”
Well, the lyrics has following phrases…
“I want to have Onigiri(=rice ball) at the top of Mt. Fuji with 100 friends!”
It seems possible if you are at TLS!
Please visit the URLs as follow to check more information.
Sports meeting→https://alt-www.tlsjapan.com/archives/10033
School events→https://alt-www.tlsjapan.com/archives/10720

2019年4月12日 教務部 関口 由貴