


(*´ω`*)今日はTLSの第2校舎 2階にある図書室へ行きますよ!

( ゚д゚)図書室ー!? 参考書ばっかりなんじゃ・・・




(*´ω`*) 学生の興味に合わせた本がたくさんあるんです♪

もちろん日本語の本も 進学のための資料もあって・・・



Good morning!!
Today we’re going to the library on the 2nd floor of the TLS second building!
Library!? There are only reference books, right?
Anyway, let’s go to see there!
Whoa, it’s different from what I expected!
That’s an art book I love! Japanese recipe book too!!
There are various books for all students’ interests.
Of course we have Japanese books and materials about next school such as universities and…
Hey, this book looks interesting!! I’ll take it!!
My voice don’t reach him anymore. He is into books…

2019年9月27日 教務部 関口 由貴